We had a wonderful experience during the week before Easter—we walked in Paul’s footsteps in many cities near the Aegean. Some of the sites we visited are listed in the New Testament: Hierapolis, Leodicea, Miletos, and of course Ephesus. We also visited the massive ruins at Pergamon, Priene, and Aphrodisias. Turkey has about 3,000 ancient ruins, of which only 160 sites have been restored. Ephesu

s is the premiere Greco-Roman ruin of the ancient world, but there are many others nearly as large and in wonderful condition. Some ruins, like Aphrodisias, are not very frequently visited by tourists. We felt greatly blessed to wander around these amazing places.

It was a wonderful experience to walk the streets where Paul lived for two years and to stand on the stage of the theater (shown in the last picture) where the ancient Ephesians railed against him. The huge temple of Diana in Ephesus is no longer standing

, except for a single pillar. We knew there were many Hitite and other ancient ruins in Turkey, but we were amazed at the number of beautiful Greek and Roman ruins here, too. We were g

rateful to receive permission for this inspiring trip! We're grateful Senior Missionaries have some free time and the opporunity to visit some not-too-distant places. Turkey is wonderful!
Ron and Elizabeth:
ReplyDeleteWhat fun to try to catch up with all that you are doing and experiencing! You are amazing bloggers and your pictures are wonderful. It appears that life is very full and varied. I thought of you Elizabeth at Stake Conference Saturday night when Lori was speaking, remembering the many talks you gave as our Stake RS Pres. Jack Stewart has been trying to locate you so we will give him your blogsite so he can contact you. We love and miss you. Jan and Kirk
Ron and Elizabeth
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing time you are having! It is so interesting to read all about the places you are visiting and the work you are doing. You two can't help making an impression on the people there as you are both so friendly and easy to talk with. We are proud of you! You can see how the Lord works in "mysterious ways" with each individual situation and country. Love, Gary and Laura