We had a truly wonderful reunion with family members who came to visit us the last part of May. We met Julie, Jenni and her daughter Allison, and Chris and Kristi in Istanbul. After a few days there, we went to the Aegean area to see Greek and Roman ruins. Our dear friend Vern drove us around in his van, and while we were running around to see the ruins, he planned gourmet meals for us. Julie had to return after a week, but the other family members were able to come to Ankara for a few more days, with a little side visit to Cappadocia.

Pictures include travelers in front of Dolmabahçe Palace (Istanbul), library at Ephesus, ruins in Dydima, Afrodisias and P

ergamom. In Cappadocia, Ron is standing in a baptismal font in an underground city, balloons fill the sky in the early morning, we hike in the weird natural formations and drink apple tea with a family whose home is in a cave.

What a great visit! We loved being together. We didn’t waste time dawdling or sleeping, so we were pretty tired at the end. We were able to see an amazing array of Turkey’

s treasures. This was an experience of a lifetime for all of us! Best of all

was being with our family, whom we have greatly missed.
What a wonderful opportunity for all of you! I can't get over how much Jenni's daughter looks like her. I'm glad you had the experience of sharing this important part of your life with your family.