We had a wonderful Easter with our friends and the Ankara Branch family. W

e had already enjoyed a little of General Conference weekend. The Saturday “morning” session came on from 7-9 p.m. on the Internet. We didn’t stay up to 1 a.m. to watch the “afternoon” session! We had hoped to be able to watch a session of General Conference together on Sunday morning, but no Turkish (or German) translation was available, so we had a regular sacrament meeting so that everyone could understand. We’ll watch the Sunday morning session in a few weeks, when the one session that is translated into Turkish is available.

After meetings, we came to our apartment for Easter dinner. It was a real American feast, with ham, turkey breast, potato casserole, green beans, and biscuits. We even had apple pie and a strawberry dessert--along with jelly beans, M&Ms and peeps. Eight adults and three children came, and we all had a wonderful day together. It was a lovely end to the day to watch General

Conference again in the evening.
We continue to enjoy our Humanitarian work and feel we are accomplishing much here.
Bro and Sister Keeler,
ReplyDeleteI left a message before, but I can't find it now - so you probably can't either! We are LDS and my husband's job is trying to take him to Samsun. I have some general questions I would love to ask you. Please e-mail me at amberdlanning@msn.com with either your active e-mail or a phone number and good time to call and talk.
Thanks so much!
Amber Lanning